If you or your family member suffer from chronic sinus problems, you are not alone. Sinusitis is one of the most common chronic conditions in the United States. Approximately 15% or 37 million people suffer with chronic sinusitis each year, costs per year are 11 billion dollars. Twenty per cent of all antibiotics are written for sinusitis in adults. The overall incidence of sinusitis is on the rise primarily because of increased recognition with improved diagnostic and x-ray procedures as well as increased physician awareness of this problem. At
Hickory Allergy & Asthma Clinic, we will focus our attention on the
prevention and long-term management of this chronic disease. We even have a low radiation CT Scanner in our office which aids in the diagnosis and treatment of this common disease. We do not have to guess we can be certain whether you need an antibiotic or not. We can also see if you have a deviated septum or other issues that need further help and referral to the appropriate place. We don’t ascribe to the “watchful waiting” approach when you or your child are suffering.
Signs and symptoms of sinusitis
usually include headache, persistent cough, postnasal drainage, facial pain, change in taste or smell, repeated low-grade fevers, persistent purulent nasal discharge, increased wheezing in asthmatics, and earache and bad breath in children. Your child may not have a headache with sinusitis. In fact, cough can be the primary symptom in children. Simply a high index of suspicion is needed to make the diagnosis. Often surgery is not needed but when appropriate we will make sure you see the best help available.
On physical exam, patients may not have any obvious signs of infection other than possibly swelling in the nasal airways. In order to help determine if sinusitis is present in patients with a normal physical exam, the most reliable test is a mini CT scan of the sinuses which involves minimal irradiation, but it gives an excellent view of the nasal anatomy and will show the presence or absence of mucosal swelling within the sinuses. In addition, other x-ray studies can be done as well as nasal smears, and certainly skin testing should be pursued to determine the allergic basis of the problem.
At Hickory Allergy & Asthma Clinic, the most common presenting complaint is multiple infections requiring repeated courses of antibiotics. The patient will improve while they are on the antibiotic, but then the infection comes back within a few weeks of completing the round of antibiotics. We will explore your immunity and anatomy to find out why you or your child is suffering from these repeated infections and try to put an end to it or at least gain control to make infections less severe and less frequent.
At Hickory Allergy & Asthma Clinic, we recommend several different treatment options, for Sinusitis, to our patients. In conjunction with antibiotics, here are a few of those option that will help you feel better quickly:
Call Hickory Allergy & Asthma Clinic today to finally put an end to your sinus problems. No need to be miserable anymore.
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